Regarding the computer environment as both cause-and-cure: You have to work on your computer in order to make progress, but by the same token the computer is where the DISTRACTORS live!! What’s a blossoming academic to do? Try free Zenware such as the one I (Mickey) use: Omm Writer Dana II. Open Project and Comindwork also support Gantt chart creation. I use Liquid Planner and LOVE it (a free educational use subscription was still available as of January 10, 2014). Video: Official Liquid Planner Video Explaining the Liquid Planner Gantt Chart and Daily Task Management Video: The Liquid Planner Checklist Feature Like Kanbanflow, in Orkanizer, you do lose the sense of “the looming deadline.” Below are a few related videos: ’s advantage is that it allows you to challenge yourself to work more briskly: You start to visually see non-briskness as it occurs. You do lose a sense of “the looming deadline” in Kanbanflow, though. ’s advantage is that it marries the kanban philosophy (basically, a philosophy that acknowledges that you can only do so much at one time and helps you to avoid bottlenecks but keep the bigger picture in mind). Liquid Planner’s advantages are its timer that allows you to learn how long it REALLY takes you to do things, plus its Gantt chart that functions as your very accurate, dynamically-updating reverse calendar. I use Liquid Planner for this, but and work for making focusing lists as well. This is an older video of James Hayton’s, and he has many other, new videos surrounding this topic at his site, 3MonthThesis.
The webinar “How To Stay Focused and Get Things Done”. to help you stay focused in your research-related planning, reading, organizing, and writing. This page will continuously grow as co-authors and commenters add content. Page description: This page contains resources, tips, ideas, uploaded documents, etc. Last updated: Janu(form revised videos and links added some material updated, removed, and augmented to reflect my new experiences and knowledge)
JanuUpdate: Please view this workflow PDF and check more recent blog posts to see my evolved thinking regarding some of the below. ApUpdate: Please view this workflow PDF, check recent blog posts, and visit the Tools pages in this blog’s menu to see updates to my approach as I make them.